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Title I

Title I

What is Title I? 
Title I is a federally funded educational program designed to supplement local and state funds for education.  The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

A school qualifies for Title I funds based upon the number of students in that school who are approved to receive free or reduced lunch. Once the program is established, it is available to all students in the school, based upon their educational needs. Title I services for students focus on math and/or literacy skills. 

Title I provides effective, supplemental programs, services, and activities to address the needs of academically at-risk students, professional development for their teachers, and parent and family engagement activities for the families of eligible children.

Which Schools Receive Title I Funds?
Holly Glen Elementary
Whitehall Elementary
Williamstown Middle School

Selection Criteria
Students are evaluated annually based on multiple measures criteria, which include student performance on standardized and/or district tests, markers of future success, and classroom performance. Students will be exited from the Title I Program using the same criteria.

Parent and Family Engagement
Monroe Township recognizes the importance of parent/family support in students' education.  To help provide the best possible outcomes for students, the following activities are included in our Title I program:

  • Notify parents promptly that the child has been selected to participate in Title I.
  • Inform parents that Title I activities and regular classroom activities will be coordinated.
  • Report student progress to parents/guardians and keep ongoing communication about learning goals.
  • Provide suggestions to parents to help them promote their children's education at home.
  • Invite parents/guardians to participate in school functions.
  • Solicit parent suggestions in the Title I Program's planning, development, and operation through school advisory meetings.
  • Our full policy: Title I Parent & Family Engagement

Parents' Right to Know
Under the ESSA, all schools receiving Title I funds must inform parents of their right to ask schools about the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers and paraprofessionals. Our school receives Title I funding and we are happy to share this information with you upon your request. Additionally, schools are required to provide timely notice that a student has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements. 

All our teachers have college degrees, and many have advanced degrees. In addition, every teacher continues learning through professional development activities and our teachers are evaluated each year to make sure their teaching skills remain at the highest possible level.  We encourage you to support your child’s education and communicate with your child’s teacher(s) regularly. 

Resources: NJ Department of Education Families Portal

For more information, contact District Content-Area Supervisors:
Darrell Ford - - Mathematics
Samantha Costill - - English Language Arts