Free and Reduced Lunch Application
The application for Free and Reduced Priced Meals can now be completed online at the link above. You will need your child's/children's ID number to complete the application. If you prefer to complete a hard copy of the application, there is on linked below for your convenience. Only one application should be completed per household. If you have already received a direct certification eligibility letter, you do not have to return and application for that specific student.
The amount of state aid that Monroe Township Public Schools receives is based on the amount of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. This includes our Monroe Township students who attend schools located outside of our district. The lunch forms are used to determine who is eligible. We encourage all parents to apply, as future eligibility for P-EBT benefits, if available, is determined by a child’s free/reduced meal status. If you do not feel you are eligible, you do not need to return an application.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Federal Lunch Program Facilitator,
Vanessa Parone, at (856) 629-6400 Ext. 1016.
Thank you for your cooperation!