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Registration Form - 2024-25 School Year
Registration Form - 2025-26 School Year
Open Registration Guide - 2025-26 School Year


Enrollment in the Monroe Township Public Schools is processed online. Please review all instructions below prior to starting the registration process.

Important Notice:

  • For the 2024-2025 school year, complete registration in PowerSchool
  • For the 2025-2026 school year (e.g., kindergarten for next school year), complete registration in Genesis

If you are enrolling for the 2025-26 School Year and see PowerSchool, you are on the wrong platform. Please return to the top of this page and click “Registration Form – 2025-26 School year.”

As part of the process you will need to upload certain key documents. It is recommended you have these documents ready as you begin the process to help make your registration go as smoothly as possible.

Documents you will need:

  • Residency in Monroe Township (Williamstown), Gloucester County
    • Proof of Residence – any of the following documents will be accepted:
  1. Current property tax statement
  2. Signed lease
  3. Residents who have made settlement within the last 6 months may use their signed settlement sheet or deed in lieu of a current tax bill.
  4. If you are not the property owner or leaseholder, our notarized Affidavit of Residency Form will be accepted along with a signed lease or property tax statement.  *Affidavit of Residency Form can be found here.
  • Student’s State Issued Birth Certificate (Hospital certificate not accepted) 
    • OR Passport (if student is not born in US)
  • Parent/Guardian Photo ID
  • *Proof of Legal Guardianship or Court Orders (if applicable)
  • Immunization Records (required by law to start school)
  • Physical form completed by Doctor
  • Transfer or Final Report Card (with grade promotion)

Once you have all of the required documents ready – you can proceed with the registration process.

  1. Begin the Registration Form by clicking the link at the top of this page.
  2. You will be asked to create a registration username and password. Be sure to remember this information, as you may need it if your registration is incomplete.
  3. Log in to your created account and complete the Enrollment Forms for each student you are registering. 
  4. Finalize and submit all the forms.

For questions about registration, email
or call: (856) 629-6400 prompt# 2