Don’t Get Caught Up in the Summer Slide!
According to the National Summer Learning Association, most students lose about two months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills over the summer months, known as the summer slide (Cooper, 1996). Practicing mathematics and language arts skills is important throughout the summer. This summer, Monroe Township Public Schools invites students to continue working in the supplemental programs they have used in classes all year.
These programs are:
K-4th grade: ST Math
K-2nd grade: Khan Academy Kids (ELA and Math)
3rd-4th grade: iReady (Math) and IXL (ELA)
ST Math builds a deep conceptual understanding of math concepts by having students interact with various mathematical puzzles which get increasingly complex to build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For more information regarding this program, please click here.
iReady has a personalized instruction feature that differentiates student learning based on the iReady diagnostic and allows students to gain in deficiencies or be enriched in their math content knowledge. For more information regarding this program, please click here.
In IXL, students work on personalized learning paths that allow them to brush up on language arts skills they may be deficient in as well as practice grade-level topics. For more information regarding this program, please click here.
Khan Academy Kids is a comprehensive early learning resource that can be used to help students get individual practice with important foundational learning material in core subjects like early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math while encouraging creativity and building social-emotional skills. For more information regarding this program, please click here.
Students access ST Math, Khan Academy Kids, IXL, and iReady through MTPS’s Clever Portal and log in with their Google credentials.
It is recommended that students split an hour a week this summer working across these programs. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to continue building their mathematical and language arts understanding and minimize summer learning loss.
Mr. Darrell Ford (Mathematics Supervisor)
Mrs. Samantha Costill (ELA Supervisor)
Mrs. Amanda Gianfortune (P-3 Supervisor)